
How to collect emails with Calls-to-Action (CTAs) in Videos.

You can collect emails directly in videos during playback with Togotiki.  Easily add email capture to videos.  Having a call-to-action inside your video is simple to set-up and the emails are placed into you marketing listing for follow-up and export.  There are three basic email capture formats available:

  1. Side Overlay – Email capture form is presented on the left side of the video. The video itself will play in the background.
  2. Full-screen Beginning – Email capture form is presented prior to the video playing. You can allow user to skip the email submission or make it required to play the video.
  3. Full-screen End of Video – Email capture form is presented at the end of the video.
Email Capture in Video

Give custom labels to your form fields.  Below is a screen shot showing that I used the following as labels to illustrate:

  • Title Text = “Here is my Title”
  • Lower Text = “A little information below the form”
  • Button Text = “Submit me now”
CTA Sample View

As you collect emails that will be stored in you Marketing Manager.  You can filter and sort the listing, plus export to Excel.

Togotiki Marketing Grid