How to collect emails with Calls-to-Action (CTAs) in Videos.
You can collect emails directly in videos during playback with Togotiki. Easily add email capture to videos. Having a call-to-action inside your video is simple to set-up and the emails are placed into you marketing listing for follow-up and export. There are three basic email capture formats available:
Side Overlay – Email capture form is presented on the left side of the video. The video itself will play in the background.
Full-screen Beginning – Email capture form is presented prior to the video playing. You can allow user to skip the email submission or make it required to play the video.
Full-screen End of Video – Email capture form is presented at the end of the video.
Give custom labels to your form fields. Below is a screen shot showing that I used the following as labels to illustrate:
Title Text = “Here is my Title”
Lower Text = “A little information below the form”
Button Text = “Submit me now”
As you collect emails that will be stored in you Marketing Manager. You can filter and sort the listing, plus export to Excel.