

Togotiki Case Studies

Microsoft Founders Hub Case

Togotiki has been developing and marketing a powerful solution built on an Azure’s platform.  We have developed an easy-to-use interface that allows users to create truly interactive video content that is device agnostic.  Since our solution is entirely web-based for both content creation and user playback, it never requires user updates or software installation.

In the past year, we have worked with three organizations to develop proof of concepts case studies.  These three case studies have demonstrated the value proposition of the platform across different industries (medical, higher education, product promotion/training).

Case Study #1 - Patient Education, Henry Ford Health System

Henry Ford Health (Orthopaedics) conducted a patient research study to determine if the Togotiki Interactive Video Platform was better at delivering patient education than standard video.  Henry Ford’s study results showed a statistically significant improvement in both patient education and preference for Togotiki compared to normal video.  Researchers at Henry Ford are getting the results published in an upcoming medical journal (summer/fall 2023 publication). 

Here is the content Hand Examination Video (togotiki.com)

Case Study #2 - Wayne State University, College of Nursing & School of Social Work

We collaborated with Wayne State University to create an on-line interactive video course for medical students learning about drug & alcohol intervention strategies.  The 3-part interactive course is built entirely on the Togotiki platform and allows students completing the course to obtain certifications. 

Here is the content  SBIRT Course Overview (togotiki.com)

SBIRT Wayne State University, College of Nursing, School of Social Work Logo

Case Study #3 - Mobile Video Computing Solutions, CruiseCam

We created an interactive product demonstration exhibit on the Togotiki platform.  The exhibit was field tested at the Las Vegas Tow Show in May 2023.  The client reported a significant increase in attendee participation and direct sales using the interactive platform.  Client is expanding and updating the interactive content to include: customer service, product installation & support, training. 

Here is the content  Main Video – Short (letmetourit.us)

These case studies are important to our upcoming marketing strategy and growth.  They have involved a very large amount of time and effort to implement and roll-out.  We believe they are important milestones to prove the value of the tool. 

We still have significant work ahead of us to push this solution into the marketplace and develop our customer base at sufficient scale to support the platform.  While the software platform is core to our business’s long-term strategy, we do offer content creation services (video, copy writing, SEO, website) that have provided internal project funding to create this solution. 

The Togotiki SaaS platform itself is not self-supporting and requires investment to cover its operating loss.  The on-going support from Founders Hub is a vital part of that growth funding while we develop our SaaS marketplace.